First IVF success or failure–World infertility and IVF centre Delhi

VF is a highly difficult treatment that involves a series of steps and a few different drugs to aid in fertility and child conception. IVF needs a doctor to extract mature eggs from a woman’s ovaries during a small office procedure while she is sedated. Those eggs are fertilised with sperm, in a laboratory. The fertilised embryo is subsequently transferred to the uterus – a single blastocyst embryo is suggested for transfer in women under the age of 38, and for all women if the embryo is chromosomally normal. Book your appointment today with World infertility and IVF centre Delhi.

First IVF success or failure–World infertility and IVF centre Delhi

Once the patient’s health is cleared and the process begins, there are five essential steps in IVF:

  • Daily injectable fertility medicines, which increase the growth and maturation of the woman’s eggs.
  • The eggs are extracted via a small surgical operation known as follicular aspiration.
  • Your donor’s or partner’s sperm will be harvested.
  • In the lab, eggs are inseminated with sperm.

The embryo is placed into the uterus three to five days after conception, and any extra embryos are preserved for future transfer. (In well responding patients, all embryos are frozen because studies have indicated that frozen embryo transfer has a greater success rate in these patients.)

With the IVF process, there are numerous cycle options:

  • Typical (insemination of intended parent’s egg with intended parent’s sperm)
  • Sperm from a donor (insemination of intended parent egg with donor sperm)
  • Donation of embryos (transfer of non-biologically related embryo)
  • Donation of eggs (sperm of the intended parent inseminates donor eggs for the intended parent to carry the pregnancy or through the use of a gestational carrier)
  • Carrying a pregnancy (a non-intended parent who carries a non-biologically related embryo)

If you are having fertility issues, IVF increases your chances of becoming pregnant. However, IVF and other reproductive therapy methods impose an emotional, physical, and financial hardship. Before choosing IVF, it makes sense to know some of the factors influencing IVF success rates.

What Factors Influence IVF Success?

  • The number and quality of eggs/embryos
  • The amount and quality of sperms
  • The procedures for stimulation and the timing of ovulation
  • The responsiveness of the endometrium, or uterine lining, for implantation
  • The simplicity of the embryo transfer procedure

Fertility physicians use a variety of tests to examine the reproductive and physical health of IVF patients. Doctors use ovarian age to determine how much fertility drugs to employ during an IVF round.

The woman’s chronological age has a substantial impact on the quality of the egg and embryo. Women’s egg endowment declines more rapidly as they get older. Around the age of 32, things start to get more difficult. By the time a woman reaches the age of 40, her chances of success would have dropped to roughly 13%.

If the patient(s) had previously had a successful pregnancy, the odds of conceiving through IVF are increased. IVF may be less likely to work if the woman has a reproductive issue such as fibroid tumours or uterine abnormalities. There are other lifestyle concerns that will have a detrimental impact on IVF success rates, most notably cigarette smoking. Furthermore, vaping, alcohol/drug use, and a high BMI can also reduce the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Why does IVF fail, and what can the fertility clinic do to improve the chances of a second IVF being successful?

Quality of Embryos

The main reason for an unsuccessful IVF cycle is poor embryo quality. Many embryos fail to implant after being transferred to the uterus because they are defective in some way. Even embryos that appear healthy in the lab may have abnormalities that lead them to perish rather than thrive. In almost all cases, the problem isn’t that your uterus isn’t working properly and you can’t bear a child. Because the embryo is not healthy enough to grow, it does not implant.

The Eggs’ Age

When it comes to IVF, the age of the eggs is more crucial than the age of the lady undergoing the procedure. As a woman ages, her ovarian reserve, or the quality and quantity of her eggs, deteriorates. This also has an impact on her chances of success with IVF. On an average, approximately 25% of transferred embryos only result in live births of kids. However, this is very dependent on the age of the woman’s eggs. Women under the age of 35, who use their own eggs for IVF have an implantation rate of around 45 percent. Women between the ages of 40 and 42, who use their own eggs have a 15% chance of implantation.

IVF success rates for older women, who use donor eggs provided by younger women are essentially identical to those of younger women. Egg quality is critical for developing healthy embryos, and younger eggs are usually of higher quality.

Ovarian Reaction

Sometimes a woman’s ovaries do not respond strongly enough to fertility medicines to generate many eggs. If a woman is beyond the age of 37 or has high FSH levels, she may not develop enough eggs to result in sufficient number of embryos for screening and eventual implantation. When this occurs, the likelihood of IVF failure increases. Your reproductive endocrinologist will assess what occurred and may alter your fertility drugs for the next IVF round.

Chromosomal Problems

Chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo are a primary cause of IVF failure. This is true for all human embryos, whether conceived naturally or created in an embryology lab. Most miscarriages and failures to implant in IVF cycles are caused by these disorders. According to studies, the incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in women’s eggs begins to rise in their 30s, as they age. By her mid-40s, up to 75% of a woman’s eggs have chromosomal abnormalities.

Factors of Lifestyle

Many fertility clinics require women to abstain from smoking for at least three months prior to beginning IVF therapy. Women who smoke require twice as many IVF cycles to conceive as compared to women who do not smoke and are considerably more likely to miscarry. Women who are overweight or underweight have a lower chance of having a successful IVF procedure. The ultimate line is that you should maintain a healthy weight. If you are overweight, decreasing as little as 5% – 10% of your body weight can improve your chances of getting pregnant.

What is the success rate of a second IVF cycle?

This is a reasonable question that many couples raise. There is, however, no decent, short answer. Many couples will be able to have a successful second IVF cycle.

For IVF treatment and more advice, book your appointment with the World IVF Centre and IVF specialist in Delhi NCR.

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